What if your ORGASM wasn’t simply limited to the bedroom, but also a delicious way of BEING, of living, of creating, of birthing, of moving through your world??
// scroll down for a personal, juicy invitation to journey home through womb healing & reawakening. 🌹
// REWILD: A Self-Study, 10-Module Journey In Reclaiming (3) Major Birth Rites You Inherently Hold As A Woman - Your Pleasure, Your Intuitive Womb Wisdom & Mastery To Heal, And Your Art/Creative Expression
Imagine this with me…
You feel renewed, revitalized, and restored - there’s a softness and a levity about you and the way you move;
You feel safe & at “home” in your pleasure and your desires [better, more delicious, more life-giving orgasms anyone!?]
Your very presence is radiant & orgasmic, and you’re felt before you even walk in the room;
You’ve reawakened and reconnected with your art - the most vulnerable, precious, and passionate art that lives deep within your bones and is ready to be birthed;
You feel the powerful connection to your inner wild, primal energy as it buzzes throughout your body - feeling both fully human AND fully divine;
You look forward to your bleed each month, welcoming your sacred red river with fervor and immense gratitude for this death/rebirth you embark on;
You are tuned into the voice of your womb, you speak her language and you can so acutely feel her every sensation- there’s a great sense of peace & knowingness & safety there even in the uncertainties of this life;
You feel safe, rooted, and fully IN your body after decades of feeling numb, disconnected, shameful, even ”wrong” in your own body;
You’re not afraid of the shadows because you know your first home was the darkness within your mother’s womb - you welcome the shadows with grace;
You’re tapped into the sacred, spiraling life-force that pulses through your veins and your magnetism is fully turned on;
You dance with the rhythm of nature, and you work closely with the pulse of the land & the elements - you feel at home with the Great Mother, held by the steadiness of the Earth Womb;
You’re committed to and so confident in living, birthing, and mothering outside of the system whenever possible;
You have a finely-attuned discernment that allows you to find the “truth” within your body (which is GOLD in such deliberately inflammatory, manipulative, and distorted times such as these);
You know your very beingness is a force to be reckoned with;
You’re bathing in the undeniable overflow of pleasure, possibility, & desire from within - your husband feels it, your kids feel it, your clients feel it, your money feels it 💦;
You know you ARE the magic.
The inspiration.
The muse.
The embodied, feminine leader.
The matriarch.
The creatrix.
The medicine.
The gatekeeper.
The one the world’s been waiting for.
And you, wild woman, hold the keys to “the kingdom” in the sacred portal between your hips. The keys are encoded in your blood, etched into your very bones, and aching to be rediscovered. This “heaven on earth” we all seek will be birthed from your very womb. This expansion, openness, and liberation you yearn for is found in your sacred surrender, and your relationship with the innate mysteries of your feminine nature & lineage.
HOW, how, how does this feel in your body and in your field?? Because I’m inviting you to journey with me to unlock this possibility and make it manifest…
Becoming more connected to yourself and anchoring back into your own feminine root system & the unique voice of your womb [unmeshed from the external world] - this nectar will ripple into your marriage, your sex life, your creativity, your wealth, your impact, your pleasure, your legacy… it’s all birthed here. THIS is your foundation. This is the portal from which everything within you is born & ultimately comes fully alive. 🌹
Wild Mothers, Wild Women — do you feel this?? Can you taste the sweetness of pure possibility and potential within your beautiful body here? I invite you to drop in and down - and allow yourself to FEEL these words vibrating off the page…
…and if you can feel it - you can create it, love. and through this journey, you’re going to do just that.
This is going to be the most intimate, delicious, expansive, powerful, and transformative journey - I can taste it, I can see it, and damn do I feel it. I cannot wait to see what lies within and on the other side of this self-paced journey for you.
What’s Included In The 3 Months?
Each module focuses on a specific topic and conversation — and within each module, you’ll have a powerful sermon that I recorded live when I created this program. You’ll tap into the teachings, the energetic coding of each topic, and I’ll guide you into a deeper sense of remembrance of this ancient wisdom that lives within you. Each sermon ranges from 75-120 minutes.
Something I’m insanely passionate about is the INTEGRATION and the EMBODIMENT of this work — so each week, I’ve included a topic-specific practice to allow you to deepen into your own integration of the teachings. Some are guided meditations, visualizations, and some are full embodiment practices.
Before each module begins - I’ve written you a love note that outlines what we’ll be journeying into together over the coming week, some juicy home-play for you to prepare your body & your mind for the teachings, and some potent reflection questions to bring you deeper into your own experience.
When I first ran this program, there were two additional topics that I felt called to infuse into this journey.. one on the energetics & embodiment of wealth; and one on deconstructing & redefining your relationship with God/the Universe. You’ll hear me reference these in the sermons, and you can watch them as well if you feel called to.
All Sermons, Practices, Bonuses, & Reflection Questions will be housed inside a private virtual portal. You can revisit the content as often as you wish, or whenever your womb calls you home.
// to take this work even deeper, I’ve included a guided journey through the book: “Mary Magdanele Revealed” by Meggan Watterson. book is not included, but can be purchased on amazon separately. this can be done alongside the 10-module journey OR separately as you feel called to it. I also wove in many practices & teachings from the book: “Womb Awakening” by Azra & Seren Bertrand [this book is not required though, but you may purchase if it you want a copy of your own].
This is a Reclamation
& a Remembrance.
A deepening.
A softening.
A returning.
A trusting.
A healing.
An awakening.
A rewilding.
A revolution.
A homecoming.
Or in the words of one of my teachers, Jasmine Rose, this journey is a “WOMB-coming.” //
I invite you to trust your pull to this offering… let your yoni, your desire guide you.
Part of the feminine IS the mystery… things that can’t be explained in words, but can be felt deep within. I invite you to explore that, to trust that, and to ultimately trust yourself.
This is an opportunity to continue YOUR transformation, embodiment, and expansion through a self-paced journey... there will be tears, laughter, ah-ha moments, breakthroughs, celebration, cracking ourselves open, great healing, dancing, breathing, and potent rebirth. 🌹
Do you feel the pulling, the buzzing, the tingling, the energy building in your yoni and up into your heart portal?? If so - I see you & I welcome you into this delicious wombDEN, and I cannot wait to journey with you. Let’s make f*cking magic, my dear sisters. xo
finally - while there are many, many different ways this work can ripple into your everyday life allowing you to experience more of what’s possible - [including your sex life, your health, your creativity, your wealth, your impact, your partnership, your mothering, your pregnancy/birth/postpartum, your female friendships, your pleasure, etc.]
there are (3) “desires/outcomes” in particular that i really feel called to highlight that are super present in my body as i feel the energy of these powerful, vibrant, & wild women who are meant to journey with us…
CREATIVITY & AWAKENING YOUR ART: you are wanting to reignite & amplify your creativity - awakening your art from within your womb - from the deepest parts & layers of you - allowing it to be fully expressed, no holding back, no playing small, no dimming down…
consciously making art and ceremony of your life - weaving the SACREDNESS back into the seemingly mundane - how you live/how you love/how you breathe/how you bleed/how make money/how you put your work out into the world - making this more of a conscious, devotional practice; an art form, an effortless expression from within your body/your womb.
and this translates to the work [which we are going to call ART because your gifts & passions are so much more than ‘work’] you put out into the world as well - whether you’re a coach, a writer, a podcaster, an artist/creator, or you feel you that energy building within you but haven’t birthed it yet - how can you reclaim the title of ARTIST? you’re a creator by your very design as WOMAN. it’s who you are. it’s your birth rite.
what is calling to you from within, aching to be birthed & made manifest?
WILD MOTHERING & BECOMING THE HEALER: you are feeling pulled to the path of wild mothering - you want to care for your own health & that of your children/family confidently outside the system [outside of emergency trauma care obviously]…
unlocking & harnessing that level of confidence and trust within yourself & your intuition that you have innately as a woman to guide you as the “wise medicine woman” and the “healer” of your family [and perhaps even your village];
building your external AND internal well/arsenal to support your family, unlearning the industrial/regulated/distorted history & beliefs around the allopathic model of health/healing, creating the level of mastery & knowledge - the wisdom you inherently hold within you to heal - this is another birth rite that you hold AS woman.
HOTTER SEX & CREATING AN ORGASMIC LIFE: you are craving even hotter, more delicious sex; a reignited passion & fire with your partner and with life, and greater intimacy with yourself/your pleasure AND your partner - this allows for deeper, long-lasting, life-fueling orgasms - tapping into & creating a LIFE that is orgasmic, not just orgasm as in the “destination” we seek in the bedroom.
what if your ORGASM wasn’t simply limited to the bedroom, but also a delicious way of BEING, of living, of creating, of birthing, of moving through your world??
throwing out the vibrators and quick “fixes,” and being able to experience the fullness of the slow build & softened, engorged, suppleness, heightened sensitivity of the yoni = better, longer, more epic orgasmic potential;
a reignited zest for life and relationship and mothering and creating and offering your work to the world - how would this enhance literally everything?
again - your pleasure, your orgasm is a BIRTH RITE you hold as a woman. what untapped potential is there to play with and invite in there??
if any/all of this resonates with you — whether you’re newer to this path of womb healing & feminine embodiment, or you’ve walked this path with other mentors [or even me in the past - this is a brand new offering so you’re welcome to journey deeper with me if you feel called to] and are craving a deepening & an expansion there - i would so love to share this experience with you. ♡